Hentai World Sexy, some beautiful environments with sexy ladies amongst them.

Honestly? I was looking up some puzzle games to play and….while most of these are kind of all the same, I still wanted to purchase something just as a gift to my Patreon supporters. It’s not the most wonderful of puzzle hentai games, but it’s still not that bad.

Where can you buy?


  • Beautiful environments
  • Three different scenes for 8 girls


  • Flaws with the AI art
  • Too easy puzzles

Explanation to Negative Feedback

Flaws with the AI art

The ladies and everything they show off are lovely to look at, don’t get me wrong. And when you’re staring at specific parts of them, you might not really see the bigger picture, but once you look at the overall images, you’re going to notice the actual flaws with the AI art.

Whether it’s a hand, anatomical issues, body part issues.

I mean, not to call them out on their looks and shame them for it or anything, but I’m definitely calling out AI for its imperfections.

Too easy puzzles

I understand that this kind of game caters to those that want some NSFW images to look at and…fantasize about being with them to better enjoy themselves, but it’s okay to sometimes make the puzzles a little tougher and to make these people work for it. It’ll still be a one-handed game in the end, I assure you.

As it is, the first scene of a girl, it’s a super easy puzzle. The second screen has slightly more pieces, and the third has slightly more puzzle pieces than the one before.

Explanation to Positive Feedback

Beautiful environments

Hentai World Sexy
Hentai World Sexy

If there’s anything AI can do magnificently, it’s environments. I guess there’s not much you can get wrong artificially with something in the background that doesn’t have the specifics of a human body. The environments aren’t all that diverse. A lot of them are just a forest background and a blue sky, but there are different areas, and I found myself enjoying them a bit more than the flaws of the women.

Three different scenes for 8 girls

Thankfully this game doesn’t give you a single puzzle for every girl, otherwise it would be a very short game and otherwise maybe not worth it. Instead, each girl has three different scenes to her and she’s in a different pose in each.

Kind of like with Hentai Sensei.

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