Creature Romances: Kokonoe Kokoro, being in love with a grasshopper is…complicated.

I purchased this game through a bundle on Humble Bundle way back in the day.

To give you an idea of what I mean by “way back in the day,” this is one of the first visual novels I started in on within the genre. Yeah. A grasshopper dating visual novel was one of my first.

What can I say, my tastes haven’t gotten much more “normal” at this point.

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  • Our sister’s skirt defies gravity
  • They made a grasshopper look good


  • Are we dumb because we’re human?
  • Sister’s voice screeches just like a bat
  • Weird character designs

Explanation to Negative Feedback

Are we dumb because we’re human?

We’ve got Kokoro the grasshopper girl who’s smart, then we have Masato the skull guy who’s so smart that he doesn’t even need to study like Kokoro does, and then there’s us, the human, who’s dumb and has absolutely no shot at getting into Tokyo U no matter how much Kokoro helps us with studying.

I mean, granted, I get it, when she comes over to help us study, we’re busy studying her, and so we don’t get any schoolwork done, but seriously. Apparently all these creatures are smart–hell, even our sister is smart–and then there’s us.

Are humans inherently dumber in this universe?

Sister’s voice screeches just like a bat

You know what, I don’t mind most of the voice acting–our teacher’s is a bit cringe and our sister’s as well, but the other characters that speak, I don’t mind. It’s not all great, but it’s not all bad.

Though when our sister laughs, it’s so high pitched and annoying, she’s almost been able to trigger a migraine for me. I absolutely hate her laugh.

Weird character designs

I’m all for interesting character designs, but I just don’t understand the characters within this game. It’s obviously a world where humans and anthromorphic creatures exist, but I guess if there’s a grasshopper chick, why would any of the other characters make much sense.

But then again, we’re familiar with humans and grasshoppers and bats, so why is there a nightmare-fueled Mister Potato-Head as a teacher and the boneman as a friend?

It just doesn’t make much sense to me to know specific species from earth, and then we see beings from hell.

Explanation to Positive Feedback

Our sister’s skirt defies gravity

And thank god for that.

What kind of person hangs from the ceiling while wearing a skirt and expects it to not reveal everything underneath? Do you know how awkward that would be to see that happen with your sister?

They made a grasshopper look good

I mean, they made her look damn good.

She came onto the scene and I did a double-take. Like, all right girl, get it. All these furries and scalies in the world, now we’re bringing in the insecties to spice things up. I bet nobody thought a grasshopper chick would look any kind of good in a swimsuit.

Don’t get me wrong, her face is still sort of creepy, but everything put together…she’s a nice piece of artwork.

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  • Day 1 Cleared
  • Day 2 Cleared
  • Day 3 Cleared
  • Day 4 Cleared
  • Kiii-kiii-kiii-kiii
  • Kokonoe Kokoro