Conquistadorio: Prologue, I guess we’re on a conquest to bury ourselves with our skelebros.
I was looking to do some more puzzle games and this was one of the newest ones at the time that caught my interest. I like when devs create a prologue of their games so we can see if it’ll be to our liking, as just a taste of the actual thing.
- Developed by Morion Studio
- Published by AD Gaming

- Available on Steam
Who is this game for?
Game length
Less than 30 minutes
Explanation to Negative Feedback
Difficult to see things
I had a lot of problems figuring out what to do in just the first screen we’re dumped in, and since there was a tutorial button on the left side, I figured I might as well see if I was supposed to do the tutorial and then figure out where to go from there. Turns out, you don’t have to, but it will definitely help by pointing out an item that you’ll likely miss because it’s really hard to see if you don’t know what to look for.
And unfortunately, we don’t know what to look for until we find it.
This goes on throughout the short length of the game–having trouble finding things or figuring out where to click.
Insanely short
I wouldn’t even call this a prologue because of how short it is. It’s more of a teaser that abruptly stops you from continuing further.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Creepy atmosphere
This game reminds me of Tormentum with the creepy looking environments, but with less morbidity to it. Sure there’s dead comrades, but nothing on the scale of Tormentum. I think the dark atmosphere also hides a lot of the items, making them blend in too well which can obviously be a bad thing.
Hint system
Thank god this is here, because I wouldn’t have managed to get anywhere past that first bug creature if it wasn’t.
There are actually two types of hint systems–one is the direct hint which will show you what you need to interact with in the moment. Make sure you really look for where it’s pinpointing, as even the miniscule light from the hint system is hard to see for some reason. The second type of hint is basically a cheat sheet on how to get through an area, if I’ve read it right.
Links Worth Checking Out
- Nothing here
Conquistadorio: Prologue Review
This game, despite having two types of help systems does not hand-hold at all. Good grief, I clicked on the hint button at some point (I’ll actually admit I spam-clicked it) and could not find where the stupid hint was trying to lead me to–but I could hear it! I finally unfocused my eyes and stared at the screen and finally managed to find an itty-bitty white dot on a thing I was supposed to interact with.
Good lord, if you’re going to implement a hint system at least let the gamer be able to see the help when we ask for it!
Not only that, but you need to be exact in where you click on things. If you’re not exact, your character is just going to shrug and you’ll miss something you were supposed to click on entirely until you hit that hint button again or press the location by accident.
I will say I dig the art though.
The backgrounds as well as our character is nicely drawn and fits into the whole theme of us being dead, I guess. Obviously I couldn’t exactly glean what exactly was going on, but we were pulled out of our grave without permission, and I think we might want back in.
The game’s just so short and everything blends in too well to find crap easily that makes it a bummer to play.