Tree's Company

Tree’s Company

The main part of Tree's Company is dressing up as a tree in order to spy on two scoundrels sneaking about. So...don't forget the costume.
I've Got a Plant

I’ve Got a Plant

The only way you can say "I've Got a Plant" is if you acquire all the necessary items in order to make yourself a future costume.
Welcome to Hogwarts

Welcome to Hogwarts

So you've finally made it to Hogwarts in one piece, if not with a bit of flair, and now it's time to give you the tour in Welcome to Hogwarts.
A Small Start

A Small Start

All right, it's time to get the Admiral's navigational gear back in A Small Start, which includes a compass and a map. Pretty generic, right?
The Prophecy of Velen

The Prophecy of Velen

The Prophecy of Velen is one of those simplistic quests that makes you go from point A to point B, so head on over to the Admiral.
Medicinal Purpose

Medicinal Purpose

All along the southern portion of Azuremyst, you'll find an infestation of lashers. Kill and cop off their vines for Medicinal Purpose.