Register WorkshopYou're on your way to having an official workshop, you just need to complete Register Workshop and you're done with the initial stages!
The Builder TestThe Builder Test is the second mission you'll get from Presley in My Time at Portia. We've got the insight on what you need within.
Go to the Commerce GuildGo to the Commerce Guild is the first mission you'll obtain in My Time at Portia. It's straight-forward, but here's a little guide to help.
A Harbor RestoredA Harbor Restored gives you the task of celebrating the dispatching of the whirlpools to the captain Eddy.
Where is the Queen Bee in Fae Farm?The Queen Bee is crucial in order to build certain crafting stations, but her location is a bit elusive, so here's our guide.
Spellcasting SuccessSpellcasting Success is where you'll be able to use a brand new spell called Vortex to clear away the shadows of areas.
Clearing the WhirlpoolsClearing the Whirlpools is just a matter of waking up and watching a cutscene as well as learning a new spell.
A Watery WonderA Watery Wonder is a quest where you'll need to scrounge up a variety of items to throw in Neppy's pool to clear the whirlpools.
The Case of the Wondrous WhirlpoolThe Case of the Wondrous Whirlpool makes you travel all through the levels of the mine up to level 25...where you meet Neppy.
Pretty in PinkPretty in Pink teaches you how the base color flowers can be combined in order to make different color hybrid flowers!