Prudence’s Letter is a letter found within the game Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden.

Prudence’s Letter

Prudence's Letter Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Prudence's Letter Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

My dear Philippa.

My apologies for taking so long to write, and for the delay in delivery that must surely come. As ever, patience is key.

I pray you are well and your efforts with the shop meet with great success.

My letter surely comes too late to be of use, but you must know that affairs in New Eden, grave as they were, have worsened. The people have fled the town and dispersed into the wilderness. I tried my best to leave, but our group of refugees is blocked by bad luck and worse weather. (They are a hardy bunch, if a little dull, but they are discret and do not question me unduly.) I will come home to the father-country and recount my tale in person, if I ever escape this place.

I have no news of our friend Alex. Sadly, when last I saw him he was alive and well. Now? I do not know. I suppose that wherever Alex is, he still does not like us and we still do not like him. As for me I like my neighbors well enough, for what they are. As you know, they are not a sympathetic people.

No matter. Forget New Eden, my dear Philippa. Abandonne it. Advance our ambitions elsewhere.

Please accord me the honnor of accepting, dear sister, my most earnest love.

Your Prudence, always loyal.

I’m kind of curious if those are all spelling mistakes in her letter, or if that’s how the words are properly spelled for where they are in this time. Also, the end is a little weird with the whole earnest love and always loyal. I understand having a sibling bond but that kind of seemed like it stepped over the line a bit.

And who is this Alex person?

She mentions him being their friend, but then also says he probably still hates them like they hate him. I don’t think that’s what friends feel for one another.

Maybe she wrote that part with a sneer on her face?